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Dear Parents,
Year 5 will be returning from their 3 days at Borambola as this newsletter is published. The students have had a fantastic and busy time Kayaking, swimming, adventure playgrounds, talent shows, karaoke, talent show, playing Gaga, BMX riding, indigenous games including boomerang throwing and lots of delicious food. We thank Ms Dwyer, Mr Hughes and Mrs Dal Molin for taking the students and giving up a lot of their family time to support the Year 5’s.
Safe drop offs and pickups by parents in the Car Park.
We have a very challenging task of keeping our students safe when arriving and departing the school, due to our extremely busy site and the nature of the roads surrounding St Mary’s.
We ask all parents to please follow the same dropoff and pickup procedures in the Car Park. The map below outlines the correct direction drivers should take.
Parents drive into the school via Boothby St, and drop their child/ren at the
Sister Phil shelter. Students should not be dropped near the gate end (Boothby St) nor should students walk up the side path on Boothby St. All students walk up the path near the Sr Phil shelter/ chook shed side.
Please DO NOT drop your children off in the Bus Stop Zone along Boothby St.
It is illegal and dangerous.
We have attached a NSW Transport safety tips sheet for parents reference.
We thank you for your support of safeguarding our students.
Online Safety with Kirra Pendergast and Safe on Social
Last year Kirra visited our school and 8 other Western Region Canberra Goulburn schools joined us online to learn about the current ways schools and parents can keep their children safe online. For the next 12 months we will have access to a huge library of support which we will be sharing with you. Commencing this week, the newsletter will have weekly Cheat Sheets from Safe on Social which provide you and your children with information on any Apps, sites, trends or scams, which could expose your children to unsafe online threats. They will also show you how to protect your family through the correct settings, and what things to avoid.
Please reach out to Mrs Thompson if there are any specific issues that your children are encountering and the relevant information can be sent home for you.
This resource is for our whole school community so please reach out.
Cheat Sheets:
Online Webinars:
The New Roblox Threat No Parent Can Ignore: Join Safe on Social for webinar no parent of a child using Roblox should miss.
Ash Wednesday
This coming Wednesday, March 5th, is a special day in our liturgical calendar. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent.
St. Mary’s will be having an Ash Wednesday Prayer Service at 9:00 am on March 5th in our school hall, with parents and carers welcome to attend.
Ash Wednesday is the start of our Lenten journey. Lent is a season of prayer, fasting (going without something) and almsgiving (reaching out to give to others). These are three ways Christians prepare for the coming of Jesus at Easter.
School Opening Mass
Thank you to all who attended mass with us on Wednesday to celebrate the beginning of our school year, the induction of our new Student Leadership team and to welcome our Kindergarten students to our school. It was a beautiful mass to begin 2025!

Key dates
Ash Wednesday - March 5th
Lent - Wednesday March 5th – Thursday April 17th
Holy Week - Sunday 13 April 13th – Saturday April 19th
Easter Saturday - Saturday April 19th
Easter Sunday - Sunday April 20th
Sacramental Programmes (Stage 2 & 3):
Sacramental programmes will continue on from last year. St. Mary’s Parish will now celebrate sacraments in Stages in a two year cycle.
If your child/ren are in Stages 2 or 3, and are making their sacrament/s this year, please come to the Information and Registration Evening for all three sacraments which will be held at the St Mary’s Parish Centre on April 10th.
Details for the Registrations & Information Evening - April 10:
- Reconciliation & First Communion - 5:30 to 6 pm
- Confirmation - 6 to 6:30 pm
Western Region Swimming Carnival
A big well done to our squad of swimmers that competed in Tumut on Monday - what a terrific effort from all of you! While we missed out on the trophy this time we still had lots of PB times and fantastic efforts in racing.
Congratulations to the following students who came away Age Champions:
Nate Neilsen - Boys 11yrs Champion
Evie Brodbeck - Girls 8 -10 Champion

Thank you to our parents that helped on the day and a big thank you also to Jade Presser for attending the day and supporting the students.
We wish all our swimmers who have been selected to represent the Western Region at the upcoming Archdiocesan Swimming Carnival in Boorowa the very best of luck!
ACT Brumbies Primary Schools 10’s Gala Day
We are looking for expressions of interest for students interested in attending this gala day to be held on the 1st April 2025. It will be held in Harden and depending on numbers we may be able to take the school bus. It is open to both boys and girls in Years 3 to 6. This is a tackle competition day and we highly encourage students to have had previous tackle experience in a local competition - either with the Young Yabbies or the Young Junior Rugby League. If your child is interested please complete the Google Form found here.
Archdiocesan Sports - Year 5 & 6
Nominations are now open for the following sports:
Hockey - expressions of interest close 12th February
Girl’s Netball - closing 18th March
Boy’s Netball - details coming soon
Rugby League - closing 18th March
Soccer - closing 2nd April
Touch Football - now open
Rugby Union - now open
Golf - now open
Girls Rugby 7s - now open
For further information and the registration process please visit the Canberra Goulburn Sport Webpage.
I can’t believe we are already midway through term one.
Welcome to all our new Kindergarten students! I love seeing them bravely coming up to the window to order treats at break time.
For our Kinder parents please note that anything on their lunch order that is frozen in addition to Jelly cups/mousse cups/slushies need to be collected from the Canteen window during the first break.
They just need to bring down their lunch bag which will tell our year 6 helpers what was on their lunch order, a reminder on their lunch order days from mum or dad might be helpful as they learn their way around.
Shrove Tuesday: Pancake Meal Deal
On Tuesday we will have our first meal deal for the year. Your child should have brought home a flyer earlier in the week which you can return to school by Monday or you can order on Flexischools by Monday at 11am
We are offering a large pancake with toppings and juice popper for $5.00. Additional pancakes, toppings as well as a gluten free option are available.
Ash Wednesday: Kick off to the Lenten Season.
Please note that from next Wednesday onward through Easter you will see a Lenten menu on Flexischools offering meat free items in addition to our normal menu.
I have gathered our meat free items (in addition to some special Lenten items) in one place to make it easy to observe meat free Fridays (or any day) during lent.
As always if you have any questions, concerns or comments please feel free to reach out.
My Email is