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Dear Parents,
Following the postponement of the school swimming carnival which was scheduled for today we have new dates for parents.
Our swimming carnival will now be held next Tuesday 18th February and the Opening School Mass will be held at 9am on Tuesday 25th February at St Mary’s Church. Organisation details for students remain the same for the swimming carnival and the school will communicate to parents, especially our new parents, arrangements for the mass next week.
I thank all the parents that attended the information sessions last Wednesday. I hope you found the sessions informative. For those parents unable to attend you should have received an overview of what is planned for your child’s class. If you have not received one, please contact your child’s teacher.
Every recess we open the chess room where we have boards set up to cater for 40 players. Lately we have had to set more boards up on the floor due to the high number of students attending, including many of our Kindergarten students.
All are very keen and we have some very good players. If you want to encourage your child and don’t have a chess set I have placed two links below that take you to the Australian Chess Enterprises website. The board and pieces are cheap and are what we use at school. There are lots of sites to teach parents how to play should you be interested.
For the more proficient players I suggest parents sign them up to
Many of our better players use this site. When I copied the url the data shows there were 18 million games played across the world today on that site and over 113,000 currently playing.
We are looking forward to this year's competitions in Canberra and against local schools.
Swimming Carnival
The weather was against us today and we looked forward to holding our carnival next Tuesday. I have added the Parent Helper Roster below - if you are unable to help out next Tuesday can you please email me to let me know. Final reminders will be sent home via Compass on Monday.
Archdiocesan Sports - Year 5 & 6
Nominations are now open for the following sports:
Hockey - expressions of interest close 12th February
Girl’s Netball - closing 18th March
Boy’s Netball - details coming soon
Rugby League - closing 18th March
Soccer - closing 2nd April
Touch Football - now open
Rugby Union - now open
Golf - see attached information here
Girls Rugby 7s - see attached information here
For further information and the registration process please visit the Canberra Goulburn Sport Webpage.